Sunday, October 17, 2010

Barely A Glimpse

I can barely catch a glimpse
Of whom you truly are.
If I tried to comprehend,
And then struggled to explain;
I could hardly just begin
To come close to understand.

And yet your eternity I’m sure of,
Though I can’t quite just grasp it yet.
And I’m baffled by your love,
Mercy, kindness, and your grace.

You are righteous requiring justice;
Searching out the hearts of men.
You’re unchanging, firm foundation,
From you comes true righteousness.

Though you’re awesome in perfection,
Absolute without a doubt.
You look down on men with mercy,
Grant forgiveness, sins blot out.

How can one that’s so amazing,
Take thought of one so small as me?
What response can my heart muster?
Only great humility.

You extend your hand providing,
Healing many that are sick.
Giving water to the thirsty,
That their souls will not afflict.

Please forgive my shallow knowledge,
Grant to me the eyes that see.
Accept the lowliest of your servants,
For my heart belong to thee.

Be it simple and even inadequate, I wrote this poem trying to express what was in my heart. My heart belongs to the L-rd. And the more I learn about Him, the more it makes me realize how much I’ve yet to learn. I’m filled with awe toward Him.

"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” Isaiah 43:25

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